WEANING: when should I start?
You’re the best judge of when it’s time to wean, and you don’t have to set a deadline until you and your child are ready. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers breastfeed for at least a year – and encourages women to breastfeed even longer if both you and your baby want to.
Despite what friends, relatives, or even strangers may say, there’s no right or wrong way to wean. You can choose a time that feels right to you, or let your child wean naturally when she’s older.
Baby-led weaning: Weaning is easiest when your child begins to lose interest in nursing, and that can happen any time after she starts eating solids (around 4 to 6 months). Some babies are more interested in solid food than breast milk by 12 months, after they’ve tried a variety of foods and can drink from a cup.